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Health Risk Management

Which Drugs Can Lead to a Patient Visiting a Drug Rehab Centre?

In modern society, drugs can be found almost anywhere in Australia. From the traditional method of purchasing class A substances from dealers within cities, all the way to modifying prescription medications to provide legal (and illegal) highs – the battle against narcotics is ceaseless. The penalty for selling these types of products can be very lengthy indeed, but even with this threat many dealers consider the financial potential to be more than worth the risk.

As a result, it’s the lives of the general public that are affected and no matter the person, nor their lifestyle; the tendency to get hooked on illegal drugs is substantial.

Over the years, higher and higher numbers of people have been admitting themselves to drug rehab centres. Failing to do so can often lead to fatal consequences – all because of an illegal habit that seems to be spreading further each year. Some drugs play no habitual role, whilst others are incredibly addictive; so much so that a drug abuser can often suffer with severe medical reactions if they don’t provide their body with a fix.

This is where rehab centres come into the fray and it is often down to their expertly trained staff and highly qualified medical practitioners to rid a person’s addiction altogether. Learning to recognise which types of drugs can result in a drub rehabalitation clinic being recommended can be very important, so here’s a look at some of the most common culprits.


It’s said that 4 out of 10 patients that enter a clinic will do so because of an addiction to cocaine. A common misconception is that this powdered drug is merely a substance that can be taken if and when the user wants. The fact is that its chemical compounds actually contain a variety of addictive substances.


Another popular offender; heroin is responsible for the majority of clinic bookings. There’s no denying how addictive this substance can be, as the results are clear for all to witness. One thing’s for certain; if treatment isn’t undertaken the abuser’s body will begin to shut down one organ at a time, until the victim dies of toxicity.


Testosterone supplement therapy has various risks, including: Worsening sleep apnea — a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. Causing acne or other skin reactions. Stimulating noncancerous growth of the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia) and growth of existing prostate cancer.


This unsavoury drug usually appears in pill form and although it was present twenty years ago, it only recently grew to the global problem that it has become today. The party and rave scenes play host to the main uses of this narcotic and as a result, it comes in second to heroin for fatal overdoses – with even seemingly harmless doses resulting in heart failure and brain seizures.

Other common drugs that can result in necessary rehabilitation include amphetamines (horse tranquilizers) and even LSD – both of which can prove fatal.

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